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Goodbye Roslyn

10:59 PM

Well we have officially left Roslyn. It was an eventful last month however. We moved out of our house and into the camper the last week of September. At the same time my sister came to visit. It was a busy week. It was so nice to have her with us for the start of our great adventure!

The day after she left was really exciting here in Roslyn. The entire town was transformed in a few short days into the 1962 town of Canon City, CO for the filming of "The Man in the High Castle." It is based on the novel by the same name by Phillip K. Dick. The primes of the story is that Germany and Japan won WWII and America is under occupation by the Nazis and the Japanese.
The filming was the pilot episode for an Amazon series set to debut sometime in 2015. It was amazing to watch the complete transformation of the town.

I lo
ved seeing just how many people went into making the transformation happen. It was equally interesting to see how quickly everything was set back as it was previously, just as if they had never been there! Ahhh, the magic of Hollywood! 

For many in Roslyn this event was old hat, as Roslyn also provided the set for the popular 1980s series "Northern Exposure." I was not there for that however, nor have I ever seen such a large production being filmed. For me it was very interesting, not to mention the fact that the story is set in the early 1960s so there was tons of amazing vintage eye candy, from cars, to clothes, to furniture. I do so love all things vintage!

Once the town was set back to normal things quietened down a lot! We spent our time taking photos and selling art around town whilst waiting for Jason to finish his day job out.

One fun photo shoot Jason did was for Fused an artisan glass shop in town. Tony the owner and artist behind Fused invited Jason to shoot his shop in trade for a class for our girls.
I have not yet seen what the girls made as they decided to make me birthday presents! Such little sweeties. As an added bonus I got an hour long lunch date with Jason while they had their class. Happy Birthday to me!

Tony the artist from Fused made a bunch of the above ornaments and then hid them throughout Roslyn for people to find. He got the idea from the Lincoln City, Oregon glass float drop which brings in tourists from all over to search for the beautiful glass floats. So tony brought this idea to Roslyn and we had a ton of fun scouring the town looking for them. We found three. R found hers in a window sill near the glass shop. F found hers on top of a door jamb in town. I found one in a small shrub. Each one is marked with the date. I hope that this idea takes off the way it did in Lincoln City because it is a ton of fun. What a great little souvenir for tourists and locals alike!
All in all our last month in Roslyn was an eventful one, but we are glad to be on the road now. Let the adventure begin...

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  1. Sounds like great fun. And now, even more fun in store.


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